At Cub Scouts we teach the young ones a lot about recycling and reusing items found in and around the house. We are always on the look-out for new ideas - so if you have any easy ideas for young kids, please leave me a comment and let me know - I really would appreciate it.
Anyway - this is such a lovely idea for Mother's Day.... a bottle-top brooch!
We had a whole lot of bottle tops which I washed out and left to dry in the sun. I filled them partially with pollyfilla - a cement like substance. This filled the sides up nicely.
I sprayed them all gold.
Put a dab of craft glue (that dries clear) in the centre and drop your beads in randomly..... or you can create your own pattern.
If you don't want to use beads, a brilliant idea (from my dh) is to use broken buttons.
... in the process of drying ...
These brooch clips I added last - glued on with special jewellry glue which is fast drying.
I really though these came out well and an easy craft for the cub scouts to handle.
Till next Time
Keep Crafting
Akela Joy